.rachelle yeo (:
.28o3`91 (:
.aries (:
.basketball (:
.165cm (:
.1e4` o4 rawwkss (:
.2e4` o5 rawwks (:
.hillgrove sec

x improvee on gradess
x wibb him foreva`x (:
x better bball skills (:
x watchh princess diaries`two
x watchh shark`s tale
x new SCHOOL stuffs
x groww tallerr
x new laptop


basketball ; my life

((__ [x] tagboard ))


(( ___ muii frenndxx ))

link/frend * (:
link/frend * (:
link/frend * (:
link/frend * (:
link/frend * (:
link/frend * (:

layout by rachelle yeo-

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Sunday, March 21, 2010


To me,technology is the best thing that can exist in this world.Technology helps us in our daily lifes and with technology,we can simply do anything.We can find information quickly,go to other places quickly and have fun too.Technology has affected the newer generation and now people use the good effects of technology.Some people also can't live without technology.Technology has been improving because Man has been growing smarter.I use items of technology almost everyday,computer,handphone and other electronic devices.If i did not have this items,i would feel uneasy and so,i have adapted to the life of technology.

'In The News'

Title:'Ice' Ring Leader Napped
May 17 2010
I am happy about the leader that has been napped.I believe that the police has been having a hard time catching the Ring Leader.I hope that the culprits will turn over a new leaf after their time in jail.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Self-Introduction with pictures!

My name is Marcus Chan and my nickname is Mc.I do not mind as it represents my name.My hobby is playing basketball.I like basketball as it is a fun outdoor sport.I have also represented my primary school in competitions.The competitions were tougher than training but it was truly extremely fun.

My other hobby is playing online computer games.I like to play 'FPS' games online.'FPS' means First Person Shooting games.I like to play the game blackshot as it is a multiplayer as well as a shooting game.If u cannot see the picture clearly, it shows the logo of Blackshot.

I was funny when i was younger and everyone called me the joker in class.But as i grew up, i have became less funnier.I am the only child in the family and i have no siblings.Sometimes it is boring but my family will spend their time with me searching for new restaurants.

As for friends, i have alot of old friends and I have two old friends studying in Henderson Secondary School. They are in class 1E3 so i am not in the same class with them.Henderson secondary is quite a good school and i am getting to know my new classmates better. My other close friends are in other secondary schools but we still contact each other.We contact each other using MSN,'Windows Live Messenger', outings and phone communication.I made quite a number of friends in my new secondary school. There is another classmate with my name in my class. His name is close to mine as mine is Marcus Chan Hiang Yang and his is Marcus Low Han Yang.I hope he does not mind seeing this :P.

I do not have alot of digital photos so Mdm Renee i just have to post the same photo of myself. :P

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Photo Description.

I am at home :) I don't know where to take a photo of myself so i took it at home.Took the photo near my sofa.I am wearing the school uniform too.Although it doesnt show much except for me,i like playing basketball and playing computer online games.I have represented my primary school in competitions and i like to chat online too.Bye.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Smack the rabbit game.

No offence to rabbits and rabbit lovers.I like rabbits but its just for entertainment.Peace.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who Am I?

My name is Marcus Chan and I am currently 13 years old now.My birthday falls on the 10th of september,year 1997.My nickname is Mc and i like it.I am a Singaporean and I was given birth at the Mount Alvernia Hospital.
I have been to some countries like Bangkok, Thailand and Perth, Australia.I went to these countries when I was young.I enjoyed these country trips as they were exciting and peacful.If i could go again to one of the countries, I would rather go to Perth, Australia.
As for my hobby, I like to play basketball as I had chosen basketball for my primary school CCA.I played basketball for 3 years and I became a senior in basketball.I had also represented my school in competitions.My other hobby is playing computer games.I normally play online action multiplayer games.
My vision degrees had increased because of online gaming so, I was adviced to wear spectacles.I followed the optician's advice and wore spectacles.Not for long, my degrees increased again and i had to change the spectacle frames.I was recommended to wear hard contact lens, and after some time of thinking,i finally agreed to wear hard contact lens.
My worst academic subject is Mathematics.My favourite and best academic subject is English.As for the other subjects are similar in results and i like them equally much.
I am not picky about food but I do not like ladyfinger.As for vegetables, I am ok with them.I am ok with different kinds of meat too.My favourite vegetable is the potato.I like whatever way the potato is cooked.
I am the only child in the family and parents are caring.Although I like to watch Wrestling sometimes.But not always.Bye for now!