My name is Marcus Chan and my nickname is Mc.I do not mind as it represents my name.My hobby is playing basketball.I like basketball as it is a fun outdoor sport.I have also represented my primary school in competitions.The competitions were tougher than training but it was truly extremely fun.

My other hobby is playing online computer games.I like to play 'FPS' games online.'FPS' means First Person Shooting games.I like to play the game blackshot as it is a multiplayer as well as a shooting game.If u cannot see the picture clearly, it shows the logo of Blackshot.
I was funny when i was younger and everyone called me the joker in class.But as i grew up, i have became less funnier.I am the only child in the family and i have no siblings.Sometimes it is boring but my family will spend their time with me searching for new restaurants.
As for friends, i have alot of old friends and I have two old friends studying in Henderson
Secondary School. They are in class 1E3 so i am not in the same class with them.Henderson secondary is quite a good school and i am getting to know my new classmates better. My other close friends are in other secondary schools but we still contact each other.We contact each other using MSN,'Windows Live Messenger', outings and phone communication.I made quite a number of friends in my new secondary school. There is another classmate with my name in my class. His name is close to mine as mine is Marcus Chan Hiang Yang and his is Marcus Low Han Yang.I hope he does not mind seeing this :P.

I do not have alot of digital photos so Mdm Renee i just have to post the same photo of myself. :P